Sunday, May 31, 2015

Instructional Design Essentials (IDE) Blog Post Week 4

This week's assignment was to consider the technologies used in delivery the course we have been developing in the past three weeks.

Think about the readings in regard to your final project for this course.

In a new blog post, answer the following:

1.    What technologies (and these can be old, new, or emerging) might be most appropriate for your final project? 

For my instruction class I will not be using a lot of new and innovative technologies because of the time constraints, but I will be taking full advantage of the fact that our instruction room does have computers. The students will be asked to watch online videos and tutorials before coming to class, and during class they will be asked to use various databases and use online tutorials for self-assessment. Most of the materials will be presented on a LibGuide. Last semester, in another course I had students post keywords and synonyms in a Padlet I had embedded in a LibGuide.  I may try that approach again for this course.  Finally, I will have a poll embedded in my LibGuide as an additional activity.

On a side note, I did just finish reading the blog post by Alison Hicks entitled LibGuides: Pedagogy to Oppress? and I found it to be very interesting and it would probably be of interest to others in the Instruction Design Essentials class that use LibGuides.  I am planning on tweaking all my LibGuides to move away from the “best resources” type lists and more towards more of  an ACRL framework type organization of material presented.

2.    Does your final project align with any of the trends represented in the Horizon Report you reviewed? 

The Horizon Report for Higher Ed did discuss the online, in-person hybrid courses and I think my course will be a sort of hybrid,  Even though there is a one-shot in person session, I am hoping the students will use the LibGuide both before and after the one-shot.  The report, also mentions the flipped classroom and I do try to include elements of a “flipped classroom” by having students view some tutorials before class. 

3.    How does your choice of technology enhance or improve instruction, or motivate learners?

I am still struggling with how I will motivate students, but my aim with the technology I use in the course is to be all inclusive and to address different learning styles.  I have learned that at the community college level, there are students that are less technologically inclined than others so incorporating very new trends is not always an option.  Like our readings stated, I try not to include technology for technologies state.  I will definitely be using the consider, review, identify, assess and select model before using new technologies.

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